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How to do Competitor Keyword Analysis?

Competitor Keyword

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SEO espionage is far from casual browsing through your competitors’ blogs. To really learn, one needs to scrutinize their search engine presence very closely. You need to determine keywords targeted; assess the quality of and relevance for the kind of content they post; pinpoint weak points in how they structure their keyword strategy.

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Study how they do things better, and build a more effective content strategy for your website to position itself to outmaneuver them and bring more audience attention.

This post is a step-by-step guide on how to analyze competitor content and presents some essential tools that will make this process so much smoother.

With that in mind, you will be incredibly well prepared to take advantage of what they have done and really soar to high levels of SEO success.

What are Competitor Keywords?

Competitor keywords are keywords searched by your competing websites, for which the website successfully ranks and features on search engines like Google.

These keywords include both organic search results that are unpaid and earned because of optimization factors and sponsored results that appear as paid advertisements.

This is a keyword competitor tool that analyzes your competitors’ keywords so that you may discover valuable insights about their SEO strategy and also new, untapped opportunities that might be available on your website.

An advanced way of utilizing and monitoring competitor keywords is to implement a certain process for analyzing these phrases.

What is Competitor Keyword Analysis?

Competitor keyword analysis is a strategic process that identifies and analyzes search terms your competitors succeed in targeting and ranking for but not on your site.

Reverse engineering the successful strategies of the competition will unveil to you the opportunities in improving your search engine ranking and attracting more targeted traffic.

A good competitor keyword analysis will give you an eye-opener as to the strategies of your competitors and can let you answer some of the most burning questions you might have, such as:

  • What are the keywords that bring them success that your website isn’t competing for? Discovering those keywords will help focus your SEO efforts on terms with the most impactful potential.
  • What will be the topics you should be covering? Some of the topics to be focused on in your content are to know the topics that are most studied by your competitors, which will make it easier for you to identify what is of real importance and what will work best for your content.
  • What else can you do to outshine the competition? The knowledge of what your competitors’ strengths and weaknesses are will make it a better know-how to carve out a niche for your website and leverage it over your competitors.

For example, competitor keyword research allows you to determine which are some of the most profitable terms with a high ROI, for which you can eventually displace the competition, increasing your search visibility and organic traffic and achieving the conversion results.

Through work with such strategically selected keywords, you can truly maximize your SEO efforts and reap real benefits.

Benefits of Competitor Keyword Analysis

Competitor keyword analysis not just provides valuable insights regarding on what keywords your competitors are targeting or have targeted for ranks, but also to boost your efforts. Have a look at the certain benefits it brings:

  • Understanding your competitors

A deep dive into their keyword strategy could reveal the mystery to success online. This kind of SEO competitor analysis looks at their content themes, best SEO practices, and perhaps ideas for improvement.

  • Planning your content

A comprehensive keyword research is quite like a compass to your content strategy. It unfolds the interests of your target audiences so you could create relevant content for them.

  • Encourage SEO efforts

This means it can enhance SEO on your website, as well as increase traffic on your website. Knowing exactly what people are really searching for, adapting to their preferences, and focusing on the right keywords can really help improve your rankings with major search engines.

  • Identifying opportunities

Benchmarking your keyword strategy against competition will help you to know where you are missing opportunities and where growth potential can be tapped by shifting focus to more valuable and less competitive keywords.

How to do Competitor Keywords Analysis?

Here is the step-by-step process to utilize competitor keywords analysis and find the valuable insights for your SEO campaigns:

1. Identify and Analyze Competitors

There are businesses providing the same products or services to your target audience. While other businesses can offer neither the same products nor services but serve the same customer base.

Identify all of them including your direct competitors in the same industry and target audience. Analyze their website structure, content, and navigation to understand your competitors’ SEO strategy.

Also monitor social media activity, blog posts, and other online assets to determine the audience they’re targeting as well as their marketing plans.

2.  List Down Competitor Keywords

Among many keyword research tools, RanksPro provides the most relevant keywords along with their search volumes, related questions and suggestions. You can utilize it by just entering a phrase and start making your priority list of the preferred keywords.

To do It with RanksPro, simply login with your account details. Once logged in go to ‘Site Overview’ feature.

Site overview

Enter the domain of your competitor and select target location as well.

Domain of your competitors

You will get a complete overview of your competitor, including traffic, ranked keywords and other valuable stats:

Overview of your competitor

Click on ‘View All’ at the bottom of Keyword Section:

Keyword section

You will see a complete list of keywords on which your competitor will be ranking, along with search volumes and current position on Google.

Complete list of keywords

You can also download the list of all these keywords and prepare your own targeted keyword list for better results (as marked on top-right corner).

Manual searches on keywords would also indicate which websites, including your competition, appear in the organic search results.

3. Analyze Keyword Difficulties and Search Volumes

By using your keyword research tool, determine their difficulty in the searches. The higher the difficulty of a keyword, the harder it becomes to rank for it, but potentially more valuable if you can get it.

Since keyword significance is partly tied into how much you have to work for it, higher difficulty keywords also have the potential of being more lucrative.

Also determine the search volume for these keywords to determine how popular they really are. Keywords with a high search volume have a lot more potential to drive traffic to your website.

4. Discover Content and Keyword-oriented Topics

Identify the most frequently applied keywords by your competition on their website. Notice how they use keywords on titles, headings, and meta tags and descriptions, since these are commonly focused areas in SEO.

Identify what topics your competition is talking about. This will then help you identify which niches you can fill with good and unique content. Evaluate their quality and relevance. Try to see the depth, accuracy, and engagement metrics.

5. Monitor Rankings of Competitor Keywords and Content

Monitoring ranking on targeted keywords helps you determine which types of content are generating more traction as well as driving conversions. It will provide patterns that may arise and where improvement opportunities are available.

Look out for patterns in their rankings; are they gaining ground or losing it on certain keywords? Such information guides adjustments of your SEO strategies accordingly.

6. Understand Search Intent

Determine the search intent that your competitors are targeting with their terms – informational, transactional, or navigational. Then create content that answers that search intent so the user would have a better experience and rank higher.

Tips to Use Competitor Keywords Analysis Insights

The insights and reports you will get from competitor keywords analysis are important to optimize our SEO as well as keyword strategies.

Here are certain effective ways to utilize insights from competitor keyword analysis:

1. Identify and Optimize Content and Keyword Gaps

Compare your competitor’s keywords to yours in depth, and identify their ranking keywords that you’re not holding. Then dig through your competitor’s content and figure out topics that you might have neglected.

Identify and Optimize Content and Keyword Gaps

This can be a specific feature of the product, industry trends, or whatever the pain points are of the customers. Design quality content to fill those gaps. Your content needs to be informative but also engaging and search engine optimized.

2. Create Content and Keyword Clusters

Group key terms together according to their semantic relationships and the way they naturally complement each other. For instance, if your website involves digital marketing, it’s advisable to group together keywords about SEO, content marketing, social media marketing, and maybe even email marketing.

Create Content and Keyword Clusters

Keywords within each cluster should be thematic and relevant to the topic. This allows the search engines to understand the context of your content, which will help increase your chances of ranking for more related terms.

3. Keyword Mapping

Assign particular keywords to every page on your website to tag it for search engines. Use the specific keywords on your page title, headings, meta description, and content. You can also build relevant internal linking to connect related pages or pieces of content.

Use keywords naturally but without keyword stuffing. Look for suitable keyword density that is relevant for the topic you are talking about as well as the best practices by search engines.

4. Implementing Similar Search Intent

Analyze which keywords your competitors target to understand their search intent. Create content according to the search intent of your target keywords. For example, if users are trying to find some information, create some blog posts or articles.

Implementing Similar Search Intent

If they are trying to find some products, create product pages or landing pages. Incorporate your target keywords naturally throughout the content, within headings, subheadings, and body text.

Present a call to action that makes it clear where you want the user to go-with your business. This could be a sale, sign-up for a newsletter, or generally contact your business.

5. Track Rankings on Optimized Keywords

Monitor the rankings of target keywords on the tools like RanksPro. It will help you monitor whether any area develops that you can exploit, or an area needs improvement. Then use the ranking data for appropriate decisions in regard to your SEO strategy.

To begin, Login to your RanksPro account. Go to the dashboard and scroll down to the ‘SEO Keywords Distribution’ section. Click on the analytical chart in the section.

Track Rankings on Optimized Keywords

You will be navigated to the ‘Site Overview’ tab, where you need to choose the project and select the region for which you want to track keyword rankings.

Site overview tab

Click the ‘arrow’ to get a complete overview of the results. The next screen will look like:

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Now scroll down a bit to the ‘Keyword’ section on the left and click on ‘View All’ button.

Keyword section

You will get the complete list of the keywords in order from higher rank to lower ones.

image png Sep 18 2024 11 51 05 4098 AM

The data also shows the search volume of the keyword on which your page is ranking. Moreover, you can adjust the sorting order according to the keywords, volume, or position (as mentioned at the top of the table).

Outcast your Opponents with In-depth Competitor Keyword Analysis

Competitive keyword analysis is an important tool for getting the information of your industry landscape and getting a competitive edge. By carefully examining what your competitors are doing with their keywords, you can bring in improvements to your own SEO, attract more targeted traffic, and ultimately drive growth.

Key takeaways

  • Know who your competing with- Identify your competitors
  • Analyze your competitor keywords for gaps and opportunities.
  • Develop topic and keyword clusters to ensure proper organization of your content
  • Implement similar search intent to understand what the user wants and align with that.
  • Track rank to analyze your progression to modify them accordingly.

RanksPro can help you with all these activities, keeping you way ahead of your competitors. Utilize it’s features like Keyword Research, Site Overview, and Rank Tracking to perform a comprehensive competitive keyword analysis.

Indetify and optimize keyword today! Try RanksPro's Site Overview

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