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Content Gap Analysis: What it is and How to do it?

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Content gaps are unavoidable in today’s dynamic content-creating landscape. The finest writers in business cannot possibly keep abreast of constant changes in information, keywords, and customers’ interests.

Content gaps are usually considered as the opportunities to fill your information with the missing or trending data. If it doesn’t provide the needed information, customers are likely to go elsewhere to get it-including to the websites of your competitors.

These areas are where your content might become wanting or outdated. Knowledge of these will allow the filling of these gaps to make his website relevant and effective.

In this guide, we will study about content gap analysis, it’s importance in SEO and what necessary steps you can take to do it right.

What is Content Gap Analysis?

Content gap analysis is an important process which identifies and assesses missing content elements, which would make your target audience’s buyer journey more perfect. This one is more than auditing existing content; you have to profoundly understand the requirements, interests, and pain points of your audience.

Content Gap analysis

You may find content gaps for the following reasons:

  • Relevancy: Critical content gaps appear when the information contained within becomes outdated or obsolete. It is commonly the need for current information, especially with rapidly changing industries. If two years have passed since your content was published, it’s probably time to update it.
  • Depth: The second reason might be that your content lacks critical subtopics or other areas to discuss. Or maybe it is a thin content that lacks good information. Fill the gap, and your content will stand out as a valuable information resource.
  • Readability: Make sure it’s fun and easy to read so that it does well for your audience, but also for the search engines. Clear, well-structured, and digestible content brings benefits for both the audiences and the search engines.
  • Lack of intent: Sometimes, the search intent speaks to a pretty specific format or media type, such as video. If all the blog posts on that subject are text-based, then matching content to the intent can be beneficial for your ranking on Google.
  • Expertise: Experts-written or contributed content is valued higher by your readers. So, to provide more credibility to your content, add expert insights.
  • Authority: The E-E-A-T guidelines on Google have just recently been revised and include experience. For instance, if you are running a review site, ensure you actually use the products you are reviewing. This will add more value as well as authority to your content.

A proper content gap analysis can help you develop content strategy that actually succeeds in targeting different kinds of users at diverse decision-making stages.

Why is Content Gap Analysis Important in SEO?

A content gap analysis is an essential step in enhancing the SEO performance and increasing social shares for your content. Knowing where the gaps are in your content is how you can create something that will better what already exists on the web.

 The bottom line is that content gap analysis will make your content significantly better by:

  • Creating valuable content

Google emphasizes to create material that serves first and foremost to help people. Examine, in real fact, what is truly helping your target audience so that you can create content which, indeed, is of help and valuable. This practice improves user experience, and advances website ranking in search engines.

creating valuable content
  • Being adaptive and enhanced

To keep your content fresh and effective, it should be reviewed regularly and updated; otherwise, your competitors-most likely-you have improved because of new information or changes in audience preference. You will only be able to find opportunities to better the existing content if you update regarding such change.

  • Showcasing your expertise

Writing consistently on one particular topic lets you portray your in-depth and comprehensive knowledge about the specific issue. Irrespective of the knowledge that you hold, going through the gaps in coverage can point out the areas where you are not considered an expert.

Maybe you’re already an expert in a topic but haven’t had the opportunity to review some aspects of it. A content gap analysis would maybe identify areas where you haven’t looked at something previously and give you a chance to share that information.

  • Meeting intent and expectations

As a matter of fact, an effective content gap analysis ensures that the generated content directly speaks to your audience, generates results, and thus, informs you of your marketing strategy.

When the content is aligned to the search intent of your target audience, your user experience improves, and thus, your result improves.

Search intent funnel

One basic way to judge how good the content is regarding meeting search intent for users: Does your content help the user achieve their goal?

Keyword Gap vs Content Gap

Finding content gaps and aligning the outcomes with the keyword gaps provide an edge over competitor’s strategies. However, keyword research isn’t the only thing you should do in your planning for untapped content opportunities within a bigger online environment.

By comparing what the internet has to offer and examining your competitors’ methods of making it, you can understand your targeted high-traffic keywords and where your competition may lie.

  • Content Gap Analysis: This is an analysis that compares the content on your website to your competitors to figure out which topics are missing or where you might add value for new users.
  • Keyword Gap Analysis: Identify keywords being targeted by your competitors but you are not. You can discover opportunities to expand your keyword strategy.

These tools, among other SEO and marketing strategies, will allow you to effectively identify gaps in content and fine-tune optimization to ensure better search visibility and user engagement.

How do you Find Content Gaps?

1. Analyze top search results

Most of the content creators would wish to attain position one on Google’s search engine. From the analysis of the content that ranks on the first page, you can easily identify gaps and fine-tune your content to outrun the competitor.

Here are the key factors you should utilize to find content gaps:

  • Freshness of content: When were the top contents published? This will give you a fair idea of how outdated your content is. Big gaps that you can now capitalize on is to provide something fresher.
  • Thoroughness: How deep, and how comprehensive are the contents? Find out which areas you can provide a deeper coverage or add some extra detail to fill that in.
  • Usability: How readable is your content, not only for you but the users? Is it well-structured and easy for the users to understand?
  • Wow Factor: Deciding the content is outstandingly and memorable. Think about bringing out unique and meaningful content that would make readers want to share it.

Where you’re filling all those holes in your content, you’re very much ahead of the competition. Having these pieces in place, you do everything it takes to beat your competitors and end up at a higher rank on Google’s first page.

2. Understand user journey and intent

Not everyone who comes to your website is there to buy. Many people are at the information-gathering stage, comparing alternatives, and researching prices.

So, within your content gap analysis, make sure you have content that helps a customer progress through every stage of the buyer’s journey:

  • Awareness Stage: Content that assists a potential customer in understanding his problem or need will be right here for him.
  • Consideration Stage: Compare different solutions and help a customer evaluate his options with the proper content.
  • At the decision stage, serve information to guide buyers toward making a final purchasing decision.
  • At the success stage, you provide resources and support to the customers to ensure they achieve their intended goals after they have purchased from you.
Understand user journey and intent

When you map content to the journey of a buyer, you ensure that your website is offering valuable information for visitors at each of the four stages. This builds trust, credibility, and ultimately, conversations.

3. Analyze website’s content

While your brand may share content across many channels, you need to make sure that the website has content in alignment with the buyer’s journey so that you’re not creating holes that could kill conversions.

  • Collect All URLs: Use crawling to collect all the URLs on your website.
  • Alignment Analysis: Determine how each URL fits into the awareness, consideration, decision, and success stages of the buyer’s journey.

Are there pieces in the content gaps where you probably might be missing pieces that bridge between different stages of the buyer’s journey?

If it is so, for instance, you have wonderful, very strong content for the awareness stage but have no human resources for the actual decision stage then you may have to create additional content to direct visitors toward buying.

4. Recognize missing trends

To conduct a holistic content gap analysis, it’s essential to be abreast of recent trends and information in your industry. Some strategies to help you identify trending topics are discussed next.

  • Follow industry influencers: Stay on top of the most important voices, publications, blogs, and social media to discuss topics within your niche that are always updating and sharing new insights.
  • Leverage Google News alerts: Use Google News alerts for the latest updates of industry-specific news, trends, and more.
  • Subscribe to press release sites: Sign up with a press release site to stay updated with all the latest announcements and developments.
  • Monitor social media hashtags: Follow relevant hashtags on social media platforms like Instagram, LinkedIn, X (Twitter), or any other platforms where your target audience is active.
  • Attend industry events: You could meet people in your industry, hence deriving new trends and topics from discussions among peers at conferences, exhibitions, and trade shows.

By following these steps, you’ll be prepared enough to stay ahead of the curve for potential content gaps before they become problems for you to actually face.

5. Find keyword optimization opportunities

Also, identifying relevant keywords to rank for in content is another action towards optimizing your content strategy. This may include auditing current content but also conducting competitor research on their keyword strategy.

Here are certain ways you should follow:

  • Lagging keywords: These are the keywords that your present content targets but which lag in search engine rankings.
  • Competitor keywords: Look for the keywords your competitors rank for, but especially those they target and are relevant to your business yet not targeted by your content.

You can find underperforming keywords and those that have surpassed you as rankings with help from tools like RanksPro.

Find keyword optimization opportunities

It’s interesting, but before running keyword research, you need to specify with whom you are really competing. That way, you will know from which searches and what kind of content strategy to focus on.

How do you fill Content Gaps?

Having found gaps in the content by doing keyword research and analysis, now’s the time to bridge them. Below is the strategy to fulfil content gaps effectively:

  • Set Your Priorities: Determine which gaps of content you need to fill first, considering how likely it may influence your audience and search rankings. Of these gaps, you can create articles or videos or other helpful information that addresses the gaps.
  • Plan action steps: You can find underperforming keywords and those that have surpassed you as rankings with help from tools like RanksPro.
  • Focus on values: It’s interesting, but before running keyword research, you need to specify with whom you are really competing. That way, you will know from which searches and what kind of content strategy to focus on.
  • Update content: Update all relevant contents that are not performing using the latest information and insights. Find new ways to add more value to your audience using expert insights, case studies, or even interactivity.
  • Improve readability: So that the existing content looks much clearer with better structure and readability.

All these activities will result in filling the recognized content gaps properly up to its maximum performance and enhance searchability as well as visibility on SERPs.

Track Content Gaps and Performance with RanksPro

Identifying content gaps and fulfilling them with curative strategies is necessary for better rankings and SERP performance. RanksPro can help you measure results of your content through rankings and other aspects. Here is how it can help you:

  • Track your website rank in Google search results by keeping track of the ranking of each page for all or your selected target keywords.
  • Benchmark against clients and competitors’ SERP performance. This way you will be able to see your website’s ranking data compared measurably to the same for your clients and competitors.
  • Check rankings for your domains and subdomains, add multiple targeted keywords, and view lots more information about each URL, including Google positions, average rankings, rank trends, and much more.
  • Understand what keywords are directing most organic traffic to your website. You can then concentrate SEO on the most productive areas.
  • Find replicated pages on your site for identical keyword phrases. Intra-site competition may be a factor you can work to eliminate to help your site become more prominent in search engine results pages across the board.

Utilize RanksPro and strengthen you content gap analysis through comprehensive measures and detailed reports!

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