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Key Instagram Statistics Every Marketer Should Follow


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The social media landscape, and particularly Instagram, is characterized by a dynamic and fast-paced environment. In 2023 alone, we witnessed a significant evolution in platform features as Instagram adapted to the ever-changing needs and expectations of its user base (or perhaps strategically capitalized on emerging trends).

This curated compilation of Instagram statistics serves as a valuable resource for every individual seeking to leverage this major social media platform. This knowledge empowers you to develop a data-driven social media strategy tailored to resonate with your target audience and achieve your marketing objectives on Instagram in 2024.

Let’s begin with some overview of Instagram statistics:

Instagram Statistics Overview

1. Instagram attains 2 Billion Monthly Active Users (MAUs)

This staggering number positions Instagram as the fourth-largest social media platform globally. It signifies the immense reach and growth that Instagram offers, making it an invaluable digital platform for businesses to connect with a vast user base. (Statista)

2. Instagram’s Brand Value Reached Over 47 billion USD

Consistently grown from 33 USD Billion from last year, Instagram has made an impressive impact on the global audiences. The brand value has drawn a huge attention from influencers, potential businesses, and even startups to grow their audiences. (Statista)

3. 696 Million Instagram App Downloads Globally

Instagram’s reign as the most downloaded app in 2023 highlights its global popularity and widespread adoption. This reflects a valuable opportunity to connect with a large and active audience on a platform they demonstrably enjoy using. (Business of Apps)

4. Instagram is the 10th most searched term on Google

Instagram’s position as the 10th most searched term on Google signifies a tremendous user base actively seeking out the platform. Imagine the sheer volume of search traffic – a staggering 338 million monthly searches, indicating a platform with potential to reach new audiences and expand your brand awareness. (Semrush)

Instagram Users Statistics

1. 500 Million Daily Active Users

While specific figures regarding daily active users (DAUs) are not publicly disclosed after 2018, estimates suggest that Instagram boasted over 500 million daily active users in 2017. However, Instagram had attained 800 million monthly active users at the same time. (Statista)

2. Instagram Threads Have 130 Million Active Users

Launched in 2018, Instagram Threads garnered immense popularity, with over 130 million active users currently engaging with the feature. Moreover, Evercore ISI, a prominent financial research firm, predicts that Instagram Threads will contribute a substantial USD 8 billion to Meta’s revenue by 2025. (Bloomberg)

3. More Than One-third of Mobile Users Utilize Instagram App

In today’s mobile-centric world, understanding how users access Instagram is vital. With over 5.6 billion people utilizing mobile phones globally, a significant 35.71% actively engage with the Instagram app. (Backlinko)

4. Nearly 85% of Instagram’s audience is younger than 45

Knowing the age demographics of Instagram’s user base allows you to tailor your marketing efforts accordingly. Statistics reveal that nearly 85% of Instagram’s audience falls under the 45-year-old age bracket. This indicates a platform heavily populated by Millennials, Gen Z, and younger demographics. (Statista)

Instagram Usage Statistics

1. Users Spend Average12 Hours/Month on Instagram App

On average, Instagram users dedicate approximately 12 hours per month to the platform. While this figure reflects an increase from previous years, it’s important to consider the broader social media marketing landscape. Other platforms, such as YouTube, boast even higher average monthly usage times, exceeding 23 hours. (Statista)

2. More than 100 Million Instagram Users Watch Live Daily

With a grasping 80% of users who come to internet for information prefer live streaming than traditional blog posts. Live video attracts broad popularity, with over 28% of users across all social media platforms tuning in, among which 13% specifically watch Instagram Live. (Zepdo)

3. Among Global Internet Users 4.48 Billion Use Instagram Daily

Examining Instagram’s user base, around 30.94% of all internet users worldwide actively use Instagram on a daily basis. Furthermore, 38% of Instagram users report logging in multiple times per day – becoming an integrated part of daily routines and habits. (DataReportal)

Instagram Demographic Statistics

1. India Has Majority as Instagram Users

India top the chart with the highest number of Instagram users, boasting an impressive 362.9 million individuals actively using the platform. Following India are the United States with 169.65 million users, Brazil with 134.6 million users, and Indonesia with 100.9 million users. (Oberlo)

2. Instagram Global Users Has Almost Equal Gender Ratio

Instagram’s user base reveals a relatively balanced distribution with 50.6% of users identified as male, and 49.4% as female. This near-equal split signifies an opportunity for businesses to tailor their content and marketing strategies to resonate with both genders. (GWI)

3. Instagram Is Most Popular Among Youngsters

Statistics reveal that Instagram enjoys the highest level of usage among individuals aged 18 to 34.  This age group comprises over 60% of Instagram’s total user base. Furthermore, a significant portion of users falls within the 18-29 age bracket (71%) and the 30-49 age bracket (48%).

Instagram Story Statistics

1. Half A Billion Instagram Users Utilize Stories Daily

More than 70% of Instagram users actively watch Instagram Stories on a daily basis. Furthermore, 40% of Instagram users themselves contribute to the platform’s vibrant Stories scene by posting their own content daily. (Meta Insights)

2. Branding Instagram Stories Gain More Attention

Statistics reveal that 58% of users become more interested in a brand or product after seeing it featured on an Instagram Story. (Statista)

3. Instagram Stories Increased Contribution to Platform’s Revenue

Statistics indicate that ads displayed within Instagram Stories contributed to nearly 26.7% of the platform’s total ad revenue in 2023. This represents a significant increase from 2022 (26.4%), signifying the growing importance of Stories as a lucrative advertising avenue. (Statista)

Instagram Reels Statistics

1. More Than 2 Billion Users Interact with Reels Monthly

Instagram Reels boasts an impressive 2.35 billion monthly active users. Furthermore, a staggering 140 billion Reels are played across both Instagram and Facebook every single day. These statistics highlight the immense reach and audience potential offered by Reels. (Demand Sage)

2. Reels Have Highest Engagement Rate

The average engagement rate across all post types on Instagram sits at 0.71%. However, Reels attain a significantly higher engagement rate of 1.23%. This surpasses other content formats like photos (0.59% engagement) and standard video posts (engagement 22% lower than Reels). (Growthoid )

3. 2X More Activities on Instagram Reels

Engagement metrics delve deeper, revealing an average of 243 likes, 28 saves, and 8 comments per Reel. This trend signifies the potential of Reels for brands and creators to capture user attention, drive engagement, and achieve their marketing objectives on the platform. (Statista)

Instagram Threads statistics

1. Fastest Than Any App to Reach 1 Million Users

Even Instagram itself took a considerably longer timeframe (two and a half months) to reach the 1 million user mark. Instagram Threads crossed 100 million signups in first 5 days of its launch. It also broke past records by Open AI when it launched ChatGPT. (Statista)

2. Impressive Growth with Active Users

Statistics reveal that over 265 million people worldwide have downloaded the application since its launch. Furthermore, 190 million users are currently active on Threads, indicating consistent engagement with the platform. To add perspective, approximately 150 million users actively engage with Threads on a monthly basis. (Statista)

Instagram Live Statistics

1. Instagram Live Becoming Favorite for Streamers

Over 100 million people watch Instagram Live videos each day while 19 million Instagram Live posts are created each day. 82% of Instagram Live events are watched by users 18-24 years old. (Earthweb)

2. Marketers Prefer Instagram Live for Video Events

Since 37% of Gen Z social media users have watched livestreams on Instagram in the past month, 38% of marketers prefer Instagram Live for live video events and experiences. 22% of Internet users turn to social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook to watch livestreams. (eMarketer)

Instagram Statistics for Business

1. More Than 10% of Instagram Accounts Are Businesses

There are over 200 million businesses actively utilizing Instagram accounts. More than one in ten Instagram accounts belong to businesses with a staggering 90% of Instagram users follow at least one brand on the platform. (Instagram Business)

2. Over Half of Instagram Users Search for Brands

Based on Kepios’ Instagram statistics report, a significant 62.7% of Instagram users actively follow or research brands and products on the app. This positions Instagram as the third most popular activity on the platform, showcasing its crucial role in influencing consumer purchasing decisions. (Kepios)

3. Almost Every Business Post Something Daily on Instagram

The Instagram business account posts 1.55 times per day on average in their main feed. This translates to an average of 4.7 branded posts appearing on Instagram each week. Moreover, the average number of users reached through an image post is estimated at 2,002. (DataReportal)

4. Instagram DMs Getting Higher Conversions

According to Meta, businesses that utilize Instagram DMs to connect with local customers experience a remarkable 70% conversion rate. An interesting finding reveals that 16% of global B2B marketers identify Instagram as the social media channel with the highest return on investment (ROI). (Instagram Business)

5. Number of Marketers Increased on Instagram

A staggering 80% of global marketers actively utilize Instagram for advertising and promoting their businesses. The future of Instagram marketing appears bright, with 66% of marketers planning to increase their usage of the platform in the near future. (Oberlo)

Instagram Advertising Statistics

1. Instagram Yearly Ad Revenue Spiked By over $15 Billion

Instagram’s ad revenue experienced a significant rise, reaching an impressive $70.9 billion in 2024. Moreover, ads displayed within Instagram Stories, a popular feature showcasing ephemeral content, contribute a significant 26.7% to the platform’s ad revenue. (Oberlo)

2. Businesses using Instagram Story Ads Peaked Highest

An estimated 4 million businesses leverage Story Ads each month, indicating a widespread recognition of their effectiveness in reaching target audiences. Interestingly, reports suggest that Story Ads filmed on mobile outperform studio-shot ads by a significant margin of 63%. (Instagram Business)

3. Reach of Instagram Reels Ads Crossed Millions

The potential reach of Instagram Reels Ads is staggering, with a viewership of approximately 675 million users. Data suggests that while Reels Ads demonstrate a slight skew towards reaching male users (53%), they still possess a significant reach among female users (46%). (DataReportal)

Instagram Influencer Statistics

1. Instagram Influencer Marketing Size Increasing Rapidly

The current global market size of Instagram influencer marketing stands at a significant $17 billion. Looking ahead, the market is expected to experience continued growth, with projections suggesting it will surpass $22 billion by 2025. (Statista)

2. Instagram Tops the Chart for Influencer Marketing Platform

A staggering 80.8% of marketers plan to utilize Instagram for influencer marketing campaigns in 2024. This figure makes it the most chosen and top-ranked influencer marketing platform for the global marketers. (Oberlo)

3. More Than Half of Instagram Influencers Are Nano Influencers

A significant trend within the platform is the growing influence of Nano-influencers – those with follower counts between 1,000 and 10,000. These influencers often cultivate highly engaged communities and possess a strong level of trust with their followers. (Statista)

Leverage Instagram Statistics to Boost Social Media Marketing

The ever-evolving social media landscape demands a data-driven approach to maximize success on platforms like Instagram. The statistics explored here provide valuable insights for businesses, highlighting the platform’s potential for user engagement, brand awareness, and ultimately, conversions.

While these statistics provide a strong foundation, navigating the complexities of Instagram marketing for great returns and translating data into actionable insights can be a challenge. This is where eSearch Logix, a top social media marketing agency, can be your partner in success.

Our team of social media experts possesses the experience and knowledge to help you:

  • Craft Data-Driven Strategies: We go beyond surface-level metrics. Our experts will delve deep into your target audience, competitor analysis, and industry trends to develop a customized Instagram strategy that aligns with your unique business goals.
  • Create Compelling Content: We understand the power of storytelling and visual appeal. Our creative team will help you craft engaging content that resonates with your audience, whether it’s captivating photos, informative videos, or interactive Reels.
  • Embrace New Features: The world of Instagram is constantly evolving. eSearch Logix stays at the forefront of these changes, incorporating innovative features like Reels and interactive shopping into your marketing strategy to maximize reach and engagement.
  • Measure and Optimize: Data is key to success. We will closely monitor your Instagram performance, analyze results, and continually refine your strategy to ensure you’re achieving optimal results.

By partnering with eSearch Logix, you gain access to a wealth of expertise and a proven track record of success. We’ll empower you to leverage the power of Instagram data, create a thriving online presence, and achieve your social media marketing goals.

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